Thursday, October 7

My "new" Favorite Lunch

This is my 3rd post in a row of food!  I think it's a way for me to savor it longer than it takes me to eat it.
Love the Turkey, Tomato, and Avocado on Wheat!  I just made Turkey Chile last night for dinner.
I was amazed at how low in fat it was.  Let's have a Chili Cook Off and everyone comment or post their favorite recipe. 

Hot 100 goal:  Strategy to keep myself healthy in the future.  Keep some "safe" treats in my car for emergencies, like today when I missed lunch and instead ate many small slices of bagel thinking "oh this is just a small bite".  So now I'm going to pack up some small zip locs with low fat wheat thins and keep them in my car.


  1. Mmmm that looks great! I'd love to do a Chili COOK off! but, I'll wait until I can eat meat again. I'll include my low fat corn muffins.

  2. I love chili. Do you serve yours with galvanized french fries?
