Wednesday, May 11

I'm Back

Since the New Year I've been struggling with GI issues, they are finally at bay.  I met with a Nutritionist today and had a metabolic resting rate test.  More on goals and food choices later. I just updated my weight loss ticker above, I've managed to regain 7 lbs back since the New Year.  At least I didn't back step all the way to ground 0.


  1. Hey Liz, Welcome back. It sounds like we were AWOL for about the same time period, but it's a good time to jump in again. I need to update my ticker, too--ugh. At least it's not back to 0. Let's go get 'em!

  2. I'm Tami and I have a healthy living blog. I have been a long time WW member and recently gained back a few pounds.

    I decided to get a group of bloggers and others together and host a Small Change Challenge to kick off Summer in a healthy way!

    Stop by and read about it and see if it is something you would like to join. The more people who join the more positive energy we will create!

  3. Really has it been a year?
